Elements Ripe for Breakout – 08/02/2013

How are you enjoying August so far?

Yes, that is a rhetorical question because the flow of economic data made it easy for stocks to breakout above 1700 to new highs. In that parade of data we had:

•  Jobless Claims ebbing lower to 326K which corresponds well with higher job adds.

•  ISM Mfg soared to 55.4 vs. 50.9. Plus New orders thriving at 58.3.

•  PMI Mfg corroborates ISM strength moving up to 53.7 with New orders at 55.5.

•  And just for good measure European manufacturing came in at an expansionary pace above 50 for the first time in a year.

This all bodes well for a further breakout above 1700 as the large stockpile of investor cash finds a better home wit h stocks.


Steve Reitmeister (aka Reity…pronounced “Righty”)

Executive Vice President

Zacks Investment Research